Taylor Brown

Interactions among, and anthropogenic effects on, avian behaviour, movement, and predation ecology

Hi! I'm Taylor, a behavioural ecologist.

I'm currently finishing up my PhD studying seabird sensory ecology and behaviour, as well as working full-time as a Wildlife Biologist with LGL Limited in Newfoundland. Prior to my PhD, I worked all over Canada and in the United States with passerines, owls, hawks, and shorebirds. If the question is compelling and has something to do with avian ecology, you can bet your bobolink that I am interested in exploring it!

For detailed descriptions of my work and research experience, please visit the Curriculum Vitae tab. I am always open to speaking with those who may be interested in my work or in collaborating, so you may also find my social media and email at the bottom of this page.

Photo: Jason Brown, thetenthletter.com